Thursday 26 July 2018

Revisiting a First Love: Tristan's Airborne Journey

Get ready, stand up, hook up, equipment check, sound off for equipment check, go go go!!

Some time ago, I attempted something new, namely breathing life into an old project. My first ever army was the 101st airborne. I chose this force without knowing anything about Bolt Action.

My choice was made purely based on what interested me and what I knew I loved. It was a decision that I'd make again in a heartbeat and it's the first thing I'll tell someone new coming into the hobby when they ask me "what army should I start with?"

The Baconburgers Episode 12: The Dirty Dozen

In this episode, we are joined by friend of the cast Ruebs. There’s lots of incoherent rambling and occasional content as usual. We have a new ‘Roving Lachie’ segment featuring live interviews with community members at Operation Bear, and we have a bit of a chat about game balance. Enjoy!

Follow us and give us feedback on Facebook via The Baconburgers

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Review: Rubicon Renault R35/40

French Foreign Legion in the Levant

As my Army of the Levant force is getting under way, I've been on the look out for French vehicles that are suitable for campaigning in Syria & Lebanon in 1940-1941. I set my eyes on the Renault R35, which was a key element to the Vichy- aligned French forces administering the region.

While it was outmatched in the Battle of France against the German Panzers, the R35 was still a capable tank for colonial warfare where forces were less well equipped to deal with relatively heavy armour. This was the case in the Levant, where up to 90 R35s were delivered to Commander Henri Dentz's administration in 1940 to replace the Great War-era Renault FT17s. These tanks made up the 6th & 7th armoured regiments of the Chasseurs d'Afrique.