Operation Wolf was run last weekend at Good
Games Melbourne, TO’d by Old Man Morin from the Cast Dice Podcast. There were
24 players on the day, making it the biggest Bolt Action event ever run in
Victoria. It was three games at 900 points each.
My Army
Australian Jungle Division: 1943-1945
Order Dice- 11
2nd Lt, Regular, extra man- 60
Regular Jungle Division, 8 men, 4 SMG- 92
Regular Jungle Division, 8 men, 4 SMG- 92
Regular Jungle Division, 7 men, 3 SMG, LMG, - 99
Regular Papuan Section, 7 Men, SMG- 87
Veteran Commando Section, 8 men, 4 SMGs- 120
Regular Sniper- 50
Regular Light Howitzer, ‘Short’- 45
Regular Medium Mortar- 50
Regular Medium Machine Gun- 50